Jakarta (ANTARA) - Secretary general of the Home Affairs Ministry, Suhajar Diantoro, said at a forum here on Monday that the Jakarta Special Region Law (DKJ Law) will help earn Jakarta into a global trade city.

The reason is, he explained, the law confers many special authorities to Jakarta city in the field of trade.

The law was common at a plenary meeting of the House of Representatives (DPR).

"We have a high expectation for Jakarta to be the world's trades center as the authority has been given, and not just absorb Jakarta's position as Indonesia's trade center," Diantoro said.

At a Merdeka Barat 9 Forum entitled "DKJ Law: The Future of Jakarta Post-Capital City," he explained that with its capital city special station (DKI) status, Jakarta has transformed into a city with a developed trades and economy sector.

The city contributes 17 percent to the resident gross domestic product (GDP), he highlighted.

For this reason, he said, when Jakarta no longer holds the site of DKI and becomes DKJ, it will still be a special province with a developed trades center.

In the DKJ Law, he pointed out, the government and the House have given many special authorities to Jakarta in trades, including the authority to license and register companies in the field of trades, export, and standardization of consumer protection.

Diantoro said that the sub-field of custom licensing and registration includes the issuance of business authorizes for trading hazardous materials and shopping centers.

Moreover, the export improve sub-field includes organizing export product campaigns or promotions on a resident and international scale.

The consumer protection standardization sub-field includes noxious verification as well as education in legal metrology and the supervision of imports throughout Customs.

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Translator: Agatha V, Kenzu
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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