Bikini Girl - Me Drawing bikini girl drawingBikini Girl - Me Drawing already has 438951 views and 4.41 rating, Bikini Girl - Me Drawing with 00:09:59 durations can helps you find the best way to get your real life.
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Drawing a bikini GIRL! Summertime need summer girls lol, here i used manga studio and Painter IX. Sorry for my BAAD english, i cant speak it lol.
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Ok, some one voted me low, it think it's because you cant hear anything. Its strange, before upload i could. So, here what i say:
Let's start to sketch with some simple figures, simple circles, simple squares, yeah simple figures. Then, we should start with a fast line art. ( there i made an error in her butt, but you can see how i corrected it.) Then after the fast lineart, lets go with a SLLOOOOWW one: a real fine, fine fine lineart :) this takes lots of time, time to add all the details you want.
Then i started to color it, but, due to a sistem crash i lost the first part. Here i was explain ho to do trasparencies: just color a bit on the border and left the internal part of the transparent surface almost at 100% trasp.
I have to say another useful tecnique in color is make some lines for the shadow and then blend it, as i did in avril lavigne video. This is ahm, not exactly a tutorial, more a show.
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